The glorious fragrance of winter…

Not a day goes past (particularly in winter), where I do not cherish the joy of living in the tropics. Through the cooler months its tough to find flowers for the home even in this glorious climate. Over the years though I have found there is one flower that delivers without fail. Patiently I wait, check and pace, until I see the peak of the first flush of blooms – my patience and endurance of weeks without flower is always rewarded with a burst of what I class, as one of the most exotic scent know to come forth from a garden

Hedychium – The Queen Of Fragrance

Last year I was lucky enough to stumble across a plant of this long forgotten flower in the tropics that seemingly fell out of fashion some decades ago. My squeels of delight when I found the plants wandering a friends garden soon earned me my own plant, which took pride of place outside of my bedroom window. It brightens the gloom of winter with it’s glorious flowers, I delight in throwing open the windows each day allowing the amazing smell to waft through the entire house and scream it’s presence in the garden after a year of careful nuturing.

The Hedychium – a quiet member of the zingiberaceae family – AKA the Ginger Lily, Kahili Ginger or Bottlebrush Ginger – derives from the two ancient greek words ‘hedy’ (sweet) and “chios” (snow). It’s big showy blooms are short lived and vase life is non-existent much to my dismay, however I cannot help but nip a bloom as they emerge everyday and sit one on the dash of my car to brighten my drive to work. The aromoa when I re-enter my car in the afternoon is breath taking and I cannot for the life of me figure out why no one has bottled this amazing smell.

Ginger Lily – Zingiberaceae

This short lived ornamental does not receive the attention it deserves in the fragrance industry, or as a flowering member of ginger family. I have been unsuccessful in finding this amazing scent in a bottle and I cannot help but wonder way..? Providence Perfume appear to one of the few giving it any attention in their Vientiane eau de parfume release.

For a fragrance experience you wont ever forget, please do invest in a rhizome or visit you local gardens to smell this divinely scented bloom… when, and if you do – I want to hear about it and see if you agree.

a doodler at heart…

Being time poor has made pen and ink my favourite medium of choice. I often sketching while procrastinating about a mammoth task which has yet to gain momentum. Doodling gives me a little time to think and mentally prep myself for the job ahead – I find it good for the soul and type of meditation.

Geisha Girls 2 – Narda Reichl

Having a background in floristy, there is always this overwhelming desire to consider a 3-Dimensional element to most things I do. That, combined with my love of anything Japanese, resulted in my latest doodling’s that proved a real thrist-quencher for the creative energy within me.

Geisha Girl 3 – Narda Reichl

This little collection was made using Uniball Gel Impack Pen and Flocked Scrapbook Paper stash that I had been hording for some time. I love the love the way it gave my little geisha babies the little bit of life they deserved – for such a short burst of artist rush.

Geisha Girl 1 – Narda Reichl

I hope these little girls bring a smile to your day… as they did mine.

In the beginning…

In today’s manic race to be first and foremost, I somehow stumbled upon a quiet and organic place in minimalism. The art within simplicity, a life without chronic distractions and chaos.

It all began with a life changing decision to expand and formalise my knowledge with a diploma, I was made to ‘assess’ myself and what I loved the most in life that led to the dramatic realisation


– a practitioner or advocate of artistic minimalism

Through analysing my love of art, nature and food I discovered the real essence in what I sought, was the love of all things beautiful


– lover of beauty

With a life long passion of Japanese cuisine, in particular sushi. A ridiculous obsession with the art of Banksy then an obscure obsession with nature and anything taken with macro – I finally pulled it all together – it was the beauty of detail. Not the overwhelming ‘big picture’ but the detail in simplicity. Those close to me always gasped (or raised a akward eyebrow) at me bent over and flapping excitedly at the tiniest detail in something that would have gone unnoticed by most, but their second and closer look at that something, always reassured me I was not completely alone – or completely mad

Thus began my newest journey of magnifying those tiny little details that most would miss in this world, to the enormous broadcast of the digital medium, and hope that more will take that second look and appreciate the simplicity of details and the magic behind their creation

These are documentations of my daily obsessions being a profession philocalist