In the beginning…

In today’s manic race to be first and foremost, I somehow stumbled upon a quiet and organic place in minimalism. The art within simplicity, a life without chronic distractions and chaos.

It all began with a life changing decision to expand and formalise my knowledge with a diploma, I was made to ‘assess’ myself and what I loved the most in life that led to the dramatic realisation


– a practitioner or advocate of artistic minimalism

Through analysing my love of art, nature and food I discovered the real essence in what I sought, was the love of all things beautiful


– lover of beauty

With a life long passion of Japanese cuisine, in particular sushi. A ridiculous obsession with the art of Banksy then an obscure obsession with nature and anything taken with macro – I finally pulled it all together – it was the beauty of detail. Not the overwhelming ‘big picture’ but the detail in simplicity. Those close to me always gasped (or raised a akward eyebrow) at me bent over and flapping excitedly at the tiniest detail in something that would have gone unnoticed by most, but their second and closer look at that something, always reassured me I was not completely alone – or completely mad

Thus began my newest journey of magnifying those tiny little details that most would miss in this world, to the enormous broadcast of the digital medium, and hope that more will take that second look and appreciate the simplicity of details and the magic behind their creation

These are documentations of my daily obsessions being a profession philocalist